Sunday, March 1, 2009

Saturday Double Run

Got up Saturday to run, it was drillizing a bit so I figured I would get wet running. I did but not due to rain, it was HUMID. I was drenched with sweat. I ran with Jay and Suzy for about 5 miles. We were are hot and huffing and puffing. We had a good pick up the last mile in order to catch Darrell who popped out from his run.

The second run as a boudin run with BIL (Brother In Law). We drove to the Mowatta Store in Mowatta, LA. It had a firm casing with a good mix of meat and rice. The rice was under-cooked so it was a bit crunch. There was lots of red pepper. B plus

1 comment:

  1. don't you just love drizzly days. humidity is a bitch as well. Good 5 miler though
